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National Rural Accountable 护理 Organization

Our mission is to collaboratively facilitate implementation of innovative healthcare models supporting quality, 成本效益, and health promotion for the improvement of the well-being of community health systems. The vision of the National Rural Accountable 护理 Organization Consortium is to be the national leader of the transformation of community healthcare systems from fee-based to value-based care by creating an affordable, replicable framework that results in improved health for our communities, 以尽可能低的成本, and strengthens and preserves local access to care.

We are working toward these goals by forming a national network of community healthcare providers that benefit collectively from the Medicare Shared Savings Program. Members of the network will achieve savings through care coordination and healthcare technologies. 通过战略性地使用技术, 过程改进, 病人接触, 和信息, 我们可以改善访问, 降低成本, and prepare the community health system for new reimbursement models based on wellness and health.
  点击这里 to download a patient brochure about the National Rural Accountable 护理 Organization (ACO)